Sunday, January 25, 2015

Beautiful Parchment Card

made by a Dear Dear Friend Chris...Chris and I have decided to try to learn this Vellum/Parchment
card Making Technique and it sure would appear that Chris has the hang of love love this
card....Beautiful work Chris...had to share with my followers on my blog..

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

felt the card needed something

so I added pearls to make it more even.....idea from my dear friend Chris who made me a beautiful
Vellum card....

Vellum Flower

Vellum Flowers

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Decided after receiving beautiful cards from a friend in Australia...that I am very excited about trying
this...haven't gotten all the right tools yet...but this is my first effort guess I need to buy a grid and
a few other things...